Hull & East Yorkshire

White Hart

20 Westgate
North Cave
HU15 2NJ
Emailku.oc.liamtoh@nnitrahetihw Telephone(01430) 470940
Real AleReal FireQuiet PubFamily FriendlyGardenSeparate BarGamesParkingSmokingFunction RoomDog FriendlyServes LocAleLive Music
Opening times: Mon closed; Tue–Thu 16:00-23:00; Fri 16:00-24:00; Sat 16:00-23:00; Sun 16:00-22:30
Regular beers: Great Newsome Frothingham Best, Great Newsome Sleck Dust

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This village pub dating from 1776 serves the local village community and is now the only remaining pub in the village. There are three rooms, the small front bar extends through to the games room. Thursday evening hosts the weekly quiz. Two ales are usually on offer. The bars are kept warm in winter with real fires.